Collector's Edition App Tour by Debra Anastasia. Poughkeepsie is one of the most unique, gritty, raw, twisted, and beautiful love stories we've ever read - Debra's writitng style and her genius storytelling somehow made it possible for us to fall in love with an untraditional hero in Blake Hartt. Yes, he's homeless, and he doesn't have much in life in terms of materials, but the beauty instilled in his heart and in his soul is incredibly alluring to our heroine, Livia. We will never get over how Blake counts Livia's smile. *swoon* Their story comes to life in an Enhanced Collector's Edition App that, wow, blew our minds. The imagery, the visuals, the music, the animation, the commentary, and the interactive aspects made our heart pound and kept a constant smile on our faces as we re-lived Blake & Livia's love story in a way we've never experienced before - BRAVO, Debra, the work you put into this is inspiring.
Today, get the inside scoop on the development of this ground-breaking, stunning enhancement and watch the amazing intro video! PLUS, read a guest post as Debra interviews Ron Pope and enter 2 giveaways: 1) win ebooks of both Poughkeepsie & Return to Poughkeepsie and 2) tons of ebooks and signed SWAG from amazing authors! Enjoy and Good Luck!
Welcome to the Poughkeepsie
Enhanced Collector’s Edition App Tour!
After almost two full years of development, the Enhanced Poughkeepsie is ready. Debra lost count of the hours spent, as did the developer poured into this. It was beast, and more amazing than she could have ever imagined. This app became the most exceptional reading experience Debra could devise for her readers.
Check out what’s in store for you and watch the amazing video!
This app will be available for all kinds of devices!
It is available now as Enhanced Poughkeepsie for iPad
Website for Droid, iPhones, and Computers is coming soon!
For more information. The website app (which is the same content as the iPad app) will be available this week.
Guest Post: Inteview with Ron Pope!
Debra Anastasia: The lyrics of your songs are mind-blowing, and they’re combined with stunning guitar and immaculate piano. What comes first, the melody or the
Ron Pope: Depends on the song. Sometimes I’ll have a lick on the guitar or the piano or a chord change...something musical. Other times I start with a lyrical idea or a story.
Most of the time, I’ll just sit down and noodle on guitar or piano until I get an idea and then go from there. I’ve also been humming melodic ideas into my phone a lot recently.
DA: What’s been your strangest inspiration for a song?
RP: Most of the things that pop up in my songs are pretty regular. I write about regular people doing normal things the majority of the time.
DA: Who are four people you would like to have dinner with?
RP: Elvis, Keith Richards, Alexander The Great, and Tupac. But not all at the same time. That would be a weird group.
DA: What’s your favorite instrument?
RP: To play, the guitar; to hear, the cello.
DA: When writing Poughkeepsie, I had your albums on repeat. I actually screamed when you agreed to let me use your songs in my book trailers because for me, your voice sets the perfect tone for a love story. You’re able to be a manly guy and express your feelings, is that hard? Does it help that you can shred the guitar in such a kick-ass fashion?
RP: Thanks for that. Glad to be of service. I don’t really know anything about feelings. I guess that’s why I’m always writing songs about them. I’m just trying to figure it out like everyone else.
Thanks to Ron and to The Rockstars of Romance for this! And here are a few of my favorite Ron songs:
Explain (off his newest album Calling off the Dogs): http://youtubeExplain
Drop in the Ocean: in the Ocean
And his social media links:
Experience this bestselling novel for the first time…again as you break all the rules about
books with Omnific Publishing and Debra Anastasia. In this enhanced version of the novel, you’ll enjoy insights from the author, music by Ron Pope and other artists to set the mood, and images and video that bring the scenes to life as you read. You’ll delve deeper into the world of Poughkeepsie through nearly 50,000 words of added scenes (more love, more drama, more romance!) and informative insights into how this marvelous story and its characters came to be.
Self-contained in this app (no wifi needed after downloading):
• complete novel Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia
• author/director’s pop-up commentary
• music by Ron Pope, Rustic Overtones, Monoxide G, Violet Winter, Bo Heart, and Jeff Epstein and the City Line Singers
• more than 100 images to enhance the story
• videos of your favorite characters in action
• special animation
• sound effects
• interviews with the characters, author, and more
• interactive games
• trailers for the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series
• how-to knitting instructions
• how-to instructions for making a paper rose
• recipe for the dinner Livia makes for Blake
Poughkeepsie, Book 1, Synopsis and Purchase Button ($0.99)
Each day, Livia McHugh smiles politely and acknowledges her fellow commuters as she waits for the train to the city. She dismisses this kindness as nothing special, just like her. She’s the same as a million other girls—certainly no one to be cherished. But special or not, she smiles every day, never imagining that someone would rely on the simple gesture as if it were air to breathe.
When the moment comes that Livia must do more than smile, without hesitation she steps into the fray to defend the homeless man. And she's surprised to discover an inexplicable
connection with her new friend. After danger subsides, their smiles become conversation. Their words usher in a friendship, which awakens something in each of them. But it’s not long before their bond must prove its strength. Entanglements from the past challenge both their love and their lives.
Blake’s heart beats for Livia’s, even if her hands have to keep its rhythm. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. Love never fails, right?
In an interwoven tale of unlikely loves and relationships forged by fire, Debra Anastasia takes readers into the darkest corners of human existence, only to show them the radiant power of pure adoration and true sacrifice. Complicated families and confused souls find their way to light in this novel, which manages to be racy, profane, funny, and reverent all at once.
Return to Poughkeepsie, Book 2, Synopsis & Purchase Button
But all his willpower crumbles when he hears his brother Blake’s frantic voice on the phone. An unknown enemy has moved in on his old territory, and Livia’s been taken. In an instant, Beckett knows it will take an attack only he and Eve can execute to bring her back. All his self-imposed embargoes are torn to shreds, perhaps along with the new man he’s struggled to become.
“Brother, call Eve. I’ll be there soon.”
In this emotional and action-packed sequel to Poughkeepsie, Debra Anastasia conjures a tale of love at its most raw and ragged. With Beckett and Eve, how could we expect anything less? But even when it’s messy, not magical, true love perseveres. Real love finds a way—for better or worse until death does part.
Stunning Book Teasers! (click on pictures for full view)
Author Bio: Meet Debra Anastasia!
her thriving career as the weirdest mom on the block.
Her writing started a decent handful of years ago when--along with the animals and humans in her house--the voices of characters started whispering stories in Debra's ear. Insomnia was the gateway to plots that wouldn't give up, wouldn't let go. Now they stalk her everywhere. Halfway through making lunches, a twist takes hold and--fingers full of peanut butter--she finds somewhere, anywhere to write it down.
She's eternally grateful to Omnific Publishing, which has now published four of her books: two in the Seraphim Series and two in the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood Series, as well as her novella, Late Night with Andres. That one is special because 100% of the proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research. (So go get it right now, please!) She also very much appreciates her open-minded readers, who embrace everything she has to offer, with a focus on anti-heroes
and bathroom humor.Debra lives in Maryland with her family. You can find her at and on Twitter @Debra_Anastasia. But be prepared.
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